Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Rankings

Ingame Nick: UltimateGR
Affected world(s): zz10
Browser: Chrome

Detailed error description (What you see):
Before I open the Rankings tab, my position is 67 and when I open it and search for my player, I am 93....

How it should be:
It should be the same..



In the first day of a new world, the ranking is sliding. But do not worry, that's normal and will be better after a few days. I have checked it together with the old LCM a few worlds ago


Yes it happens every time i nevery server , too many close ranking , too many changes, furthermore on a speed 6

bogdy 95

Ingame Nick: UltimateGR
Affected world(s): zz10
Browser: Chrome

Detailed error description (What you see):
Before I open the Rankings tab, my position is 67 and when I open it and search for my player, I am 93....

How it should be:
It should be the same..


It is a delay, the rankings are not updated every seconds and therefor exists that difference between places in ranking. And like the other says, the points difference it is small and are many changes in an hour, but with time and after a few days it should be better .